No shilling of products here, idgaf about that, this isn’t my line of bizness. I make my shekels elsewhere.
This article will be pretty frank, take it or leave it
By the end of this read, you’ll know:
How to lower your body fat to a reasonable level
The right equipment to get to be shredded from home
How to save thousands on future health and gym bills (kek)
This article is meant for crypto degens who mostly trade/work from home, and complain about not being shredded.
This shouldn’t be the case.
Fact remains is:
Getting shredded and having good strength/mobility isn’t hard, it’s just about being consistent.
Much like increasing your portfolio over time, you just need to not lose badly enough to keep winning, and stack consistent wins.
This means:
As long as your diet doesn’t destroy your metabolic capacity and health, it’s good enough.
No point going keto if you end up with nervous system fatigue and a clogged gut after a few months
As long as you work out enough to preserve joint/bone strength while building muscle, you’re good
No point getting 10kg of muscle on your frame if you strain your rotator cuff along the way
As long as you have the mobility to sit down without crushing your lumbar, or pinching nerves in your neck, that’s good enough
So there really are 3 main things to focus on:
Strength training
Mobility training
The real goal of any health routine should just be to keep you in good enough shape so you can live till 85, and die in your sleep with little to no cognitive decline.
My $0.02: it shouldn’t involve risk of injury, or burning your CNS out.
All it should do is preserve health and youth, while giving you more energy.
And if you’re in good shape after you’ve made millions in the market, maybe you’ll also be able to enjoy those millions better?
If you’re broke, here’s an easy prescription:
Follow Tim Ferriss’s slow carb diet to lose weight. Full article by him here. It’s not hard to stick to it, and it will give results.
Learn to cook. It’s a bear market, read Four Hour Chef and start going through the recipes. It’ll be therapeutic as well, trust me. Plus if you want to get laid, being able to cook dinner is a great date idea and tends to result in happy times afterward done right.
Kettlebell swings, bodyweight exercises and a pull up bar will pay for its weight in gold if you can do them almost every single day.
The big key: making it part of your daily routine.
Nailing Exercise: Just make it easy to do daily
As a degen, I get out of bed, read through chats, catch up with the market, and start my day with a cup of coffee.
The kettle takes time to boil and coffee takes time to brew, so I usually do a very simple 2-3 minute yoga routine that opens up the hips, hamstrings, and general spine. It’s just a short vinyasa sequence that goes through warrior 1 & 2, and that’s it.
After that, I start drinking coffee.
In the corner of my living room, there is a 24kg kettlebell.
I pick it up, and start swinging. I do anywhere from 50-100 reps, different variations, I don’t think about it, I just do it. Snatches, windmills, I just run through them depending on what I”m feeling.
After that, I do pistol squats, handstand pushups, some kickboxing, some qigong, and start my day. (you don’t have to do any of this, it’s just showing the general variety of exercises I do)
This usually takes less than 30-45 minutes, and by the time it’s over I’m ready to go, and already have hit the major muscle groups and movement patterns I care about.
During the week, I usually do 2-3 intense workouts outside of the morning if I don’t work out that morning.
I keep it simple.
The point is:
If you can incorporate some form of a short workout near daily into your routine, it’s going to be very easy to stay in good shape.
The workout should simply be with tools that make it easy for you to workout with. I like kettlebells, steel maces, and calisthenic/gymnastic strength exercises. Pick and choose what you like or what you can do, but stick to it.
With a home gym setup, I have shaved off the 30-40 minutes of walking into a gym, getting the equipment, working out, then walking back. Some get mad you can’t mog people in the gym with your strength, I just like having more time to focus on more important things in life.
Nailing Diet: Schedule in fat days, and have generally good habits
Ferriss’s slow carb diet works pretty well for most people to lose weight. So does intermittent fasting. So does Peat’s dietary recommendations in the right amounts.
Point being - all of it works if you can make it work, you have to just stick to it (sound familiar?)
I usually eat from 2-9pm on weekdays, and have 3 meals on weekends.
I’ve had a 6 pack since I was 17 after being a mildly chubby kid. Nearly a decade later and I’m in even better shape today.
Go figure, it works.
Foods to eat/general tips:
Just eat whole foods, fr. Fruits, vegetables, some grains, good quality meat, and you’re sorted out.
Just do a big grocery shop once a week, and make sure you have a mix of ingredients for meals, and lots of fruits/vegetables you can snack on if you’re hungry.
Have a bunch of things you enjoy that aren’t the best for you, so you don’t build up resentment with food. If you have a good relationship with food you’re not going to binge eat like Fraser in The Whale
Learn to bulk cook, so you can warm up food during the week. Make a big stew, or a pot of soup, and just warm it up when you’re hungry. You’re probably stuck at home with no friends as a degen anyways.
I do a 1-3 day fast at least once a month, and often it happens because I’m just working and forget to eat the whole day. Those days, I just subsist on coffee and yerba mate and often am even more productive than when I eat at lunch. YMMV, but I believe fasting regularly is very good for both the soul and the body.
Nailing Mobility: As simple as scheduling it into your day
The biggest thing to avoid as a crypto degen is being locked into a hunchback from all your screen time.
Simple fix for this is…
Just set a timer on your desk for 30-90 minutes, and get up ever so often to stretch and limber yourself up. Be like a cat, always stretching and moving.
There are plenty of deskwork posture routines on YouTube, google them to find an easy solution. Hamstrings, hips, upper chest, focus on those.
Get a foam roller as well, and use YouTube to learn how to open up your shoulders, hips, chest, and whatever tight joints you have with it.
Jefferson curls are also a good one to do with any weights you’ve got to mobilize your entire spine (start slow)
Ido Portal’s bridge rotation progressions should also hurt a good amount but open up your locked thoracic spine.
Personally tested supplements/tools that help:
24kg kettlebell is one of my favorite shills, because it’s small, easy to use, and you get a great workout with it while building mobility and strength. Just add a pushing exercise to balance out any swings/cleans/snatches you do with it. It also fits in a small room and can be used nearly anywhere.
A pullup bar is great for stretching out your shoulder girdle as well as building those sweet lats
Red light therapy. Red lights help a lot with screen time eye damage, and you should use it daily if possible to prevent myopia and other eye-related problems from screen work.
Vitamin D - you’re not going out enough in the sun by default, so make sure you take enough so you don’t fall sick.
The main key with fitness isn’t to make it an obsession, rather to simply use it to better your life.
I think this article should help with that.
Resources to dive into for fitness:
Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss is a great read, and will clue you into more of how to get into great shape easily. Is it perfect? No, but it’s a great start
Pavel Tsatsouline’s Kettlebell programs/pdfs - Simple & Sinister can fulfil most people’s exercise requirements to stay healthy and strong.
Wall Street Playboys’s Efficiency - covers a good amount on fitness and workouts as well as diets. Some advice is dated, but it will work well if you stick to it.
So lose that bull market belly and get shredded this bear market, it ain’t hard fren.
Extra tips:
It’s a bear, go join an MMA/boxing/Muay Thai gym to get some of that anger and resentment at the world out. It’ll help and you’ll get into better shape punching a bag than touching yourself to ahegao videos.
Try and do long walks if the weather is good in your area. Long walks are great for neurotic people (and if you’re in crypto you’re neurotic by default) and also can help burn body fat
For more brain/biohacking stuff, go to:
^^ his stuff works wonders.
I wanna see you make it, but not have to lose 50kg of fat, get laser eye surgery, and fix a leaky gut when you do.
- Tyrogue