Reversing The Damage of Crypto Degeneracy - A Simple Guide To Restoring The Wholeness Of Wojak
If you don't survive long enough, you won't ever make it.
Read this guide and you’ll understand:
Why being a crypto degenerate does destroy your health over time
The most common forms of crypto-related physical, and mental stress
And how to reverse all that damage with several easy fixes - Ray Peat style
The psychological and physiological damage of trying to make it in crypto is largely understated, underestimated, and underreported.
Let’s fix that in this article today, and identify all the ways crypto speculation creates mental and physical stress, and how to reverse that damage, and unlock a deeper, more meaningful level of life.
Disclaimer: don’t follow the health stuff w/o obviously doing your own DD. But it’s worked for me so ymmv, nfa etc.
Risk on trading/degening puts your body in fight/flight mode constantly, increasing cortisol and stress levels - this is why you always hear people say “It feels like 5 years passed this year” in this space
That affects your sleep and rest, destroying your ability to recover and make good decisions (both IRL and in cryptoland)
Big losses/wins then destroy your dopamine receptors and reward mechanisms, destroying personal motivation among others
Heavy desk/screen time also damages your spine, mobility, and eyes over time without the right corresponding therapies
Bad diet alongside crypto degening = weight gain, bad posture, constant high stress on the mind = and u wonder why you’re more stressed than ever since you discovered this ponzi asset class
Easiest fixes? Good health routine, good food routine, good water supply + reduction of heavy metals/toxins in your diet
In any major city? Congrats, your water is filled with birth control pills, trace heavy metals, trace antipsychotics, trace hormones - all of this compound the damage and stress of crypto
You better get a good water filter, deworm yourself, and fix that microbiome fr
Best supplements? Vit D, NAC, piracetam, magnesium, pregnenolone/progesterone drops, red light therapy, bright lights in winter - in fact, bright lights all the time will reduce the depression of 6-8 hour days of screen time easily and the related eye damage from it
Best exercises? Kettlebell swings, hindu squats, hindu pushups, yoga classes, starting strength, gymnastic strength training - note they are all focused on bang for buck, mobility + strength movements
Combat Conditioning is a great PDF available online if you know where to look (Library Genesis)
Pavel Tsatsouline has plenty of tutorials online
There are 30 minute free yoga routines on the internet by hot girls and you’re selling $ETH to buy OF videos ser? Really? (No, I’m not linking that, search it yourself to improve your sleuthing skills)
Easiest Ray Peat fixes are:
Daily carrot salad on an empty stomach to restore thyroid function
Daily tropical oil consumption - coconut oil in your coffee/tea is an easy way to accomplish this while checking the charts + reduces chances of obesity
Daily asparin for increased blood flow to brain - 200-300mg is my personal dosage, some go higher
High quality orange juice to replace starch consumption, also anti-estrogenic
Broscience explained: if your gut is inflamed, so is your brain and you expect to be able to trade and speculate well with a broken brain? NGMI
Remove all unsaturated seed oils and fish oils from diet, replace with ruminant fats and copious dairy
Personal recommendation: pick up a movement based sport/art to distract yourself with when the market is crabbing/doing jack shit - your adrenals and dopamine receptors will thank you. Boxing, MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai, Judo, Fencing, etc
In order to heal from crypto degen stress, one must acknowledge it exists, identify how it wreaks havoc, and how to resolve it - all of it covered in this short article (short = 2,900 words he says)
The Damage Of Crypto Degeneracy - Broscientifically Speaking
When you’re trading and speculating in a 24/7, 365 days a year market - you are rapidly ageing yourself, like it or not.
This is why so many tradooors and degens burn out, and why THIS image is so popular in our space:
When your net worth is hanging on the edge of a thread, or you’re knee deep in Dexscreener or Coingecko looking for the next 100x, or you’re staring at a dodgy mint site trying to figure out if its the next or BAYC - your body is pumping out cortisol, in a constant fight/flight mode as you try to ascertain what to do with your Ponzi tokens.
This isn’t normal.
We were not meant to worry about the floor price of an NFT collection every waking hour, having nightmares about liquidation emails from Bybit/Binance, and going from bed to immediate blue light glare from our smartphone screen to check if we still can pay rent with our coins in the morning.
Every time you lose a trade, or take on too much risk, or even win an absurd amount of money in this casino, your body perceives it as stress - and when you keep these stress responses constantly elevated, that’s when problems happen.
If you’ve ever won hard on a leveraged trade (10-20x at least) - you know the adrenaline rush it brings. It’s like a hit of pure cocaine watching the number go up on the screen, the green uPnL flashing and growing as your mind starts thinking about all the things you’ll do with the money you’ve just made.
Your heart begins racing, your eyes dilate, and you feel like you’re going to conquer the world: that’s the reptilian side of your brain kicking in.
There’s a big problem with this though.
Trigger this adrenal response constantly, and you will rapidly age and burn your body out.
The stress of jumping from token to token, flipping another shitcoin for another shitcoin, checking the state of your bags, even the stress of winning big - unironically, is a level of mental stress (and indirectly, physical) that most human beings should not be constantly subjected to.
On top of that, there are several clear side effects of relentless screen time spent watching the markets:
You don’t get enough sunlight to help your hormone regulation and body recover from the stress its experiencing
You probably don’t eat well enough, compounding the stress on your body and mind
You probably don’t end up exercising enough, further disrupting your body’s ability to recover from stress.
So if you are going to partake in the art of being a degenerate crypto gambler/speculator - it then makes undue sense for you to understand the damage your chosen profession does on your body, and how to recover and reduce it.
Crypto Damage Is Not Normal - So Repairing It Should NOT Be Normal
It used to be a lot easier to be a human being, even in the 60s.
Just work your corporate job, pay off your mortgage, keep your wife happy and you’d have a couple of kids and a decent existence.
Idk, it was a different time.
Now? You’re gambling on the world’s decentralized casino if you want your bloodline to have a chance at not eating the bugs, and escaping the pod world of the mid-21st century.
God pray if you can find a woman that wants a family as well.
On top of that, if you are in crypto and truly gambling your every paycheck to try and escape wagedom - chances are, you’re in a toxic big city that is doing undue amounts of damage on your body through:
Poor air quality - London, Beijing, NYC, it doesn’t matter - city air is bad for you
Poor water quality - the amount of birth control pills being peed into the water by your cisgendered females of the species left unfiltered by most sewage plants, combined with the antipsychotics handed out like M&Ms and Skittles on Halloween, as well as the pesticides, other trace toxins and God knows what else in the water supply? That also disrupts your body’s healing processes
Poor life quality - Living in a shithole room or flat, with sirens going off in the distance to yet another urban disturbance, and you expect that to NOT have any effect on your body and mind? That’s also another fight/flight threat in your subconscious
Poor light quality - if you are in a country with seasons, and don’t get enough sunlight exposure during the Summer months to heal the cell mitochondria fatigue and damage of the Autumn/Winter darkness - that’s also another stressor on your body and mind that needs fixing.
(Is it any wonder why cramped big cities tend to have such high levels of mental illness and depression, or is it simply a symptom of the damage they do on the human organism? Questions for another time)
Damn, this list is doomer as hell.
I assure you though that I am an optimist IRL and refuse to succumb to the globohomo.
And that’s why I’m writing this article - such a dulled, damaged existence is not worthy of my fellow gripto speculators and gamblooors.
Reversing The Damage of Gripto & Restoring The Wholeness of Life
It is actually much easier to fix the damage of the 21st century and modernity than people realize.
It simply requires a change in thinking, and a hefty amount of application - but I assure you, the results will be worth it (NFA NFA).
You don’t have to do everything on this list, but I assure you nearly everything on this list should help you if you’re not doing it already.
Note - I’m not a biohacker trying to clock my sleep on a watch to brag about online - all I care about is in being in great mental and physical shape so I can then make money from this Ponzi market while it’s still here and have a killer brain so I can make leave this space and pursue a different career.
Disclaimer aside, let’s get into it:
First: have a mobility routine for your spine/back/hips. Regularly exercise.
You probably aren’t stretching enough. 10 minutes in the morning is enough, you don’t have to go ham. But if you’re spending 6-8 hours on a chair watching the markets, there are pockets of 10-20minutes where you can easily exercise.
You don’t have to be a gym bro or even go to the gym - you just need to have some mobility as part of your daily life.
Put it in perspective - there are 30 minute yoga videos on YT and some of y’all are selling ETH to pay for OF girl videos - fix those priorities anon. At least do the yoga video, you’ll feel better too.
Then, fix your water supply. It is quite literally, turning the frogs gay, and you’re not purifying your drinking water?
Get a Berkey water filter. It’s expensive but you will feel the difference if your water supply is polluted (it most likely is unless you’re in Scandinavia). Add shilajit or some form of humic extract to your daily routine as well to make sure the distilled water doesn’t draw minerals out of your body.
No affiliate link here, I’m too lazy to get it for you (ironic) - google it, it’s not hard.
If you have the cash, get a standing desk with a treadmill. If not, just start having a 60-90min timer to make sure you’re getting up and moving ever so often. Makes a big difference especially if you’re doing 10-14 hours a day on the screens.
You want to be doing moderate exercise at least 3-4 times a week at minimum. That should help your body stay strong. Kettlebells, barbells, machines, idgaf - strength training will always forge a strong mind. You’ll also then have enough testosterone to not get mogged in a club when you finally make it and go on a date.
Bonus tip: if you’re feeling chronically depressed, try a dewormer.
Febendazole and flucanozole are incredibly cheap online, and doing a 14 day course of each can help with depression bigly. Anecdotally, I know of a good amount of men whose city-related depressions were erased within a few days of these courses, I myself included. Minocyclidine is a great antibiotic, and can also help with dandruff, skin irritations, as well as general mood and mind clarity due to its antiparasitical nature. Just fill up the prescription forms for it online like you’re doing an LBP and you should be able to order some quite easily.
Supplements? Quick list:
NAC will help heal the damage of bad air quality while improving brain function
Magnesium is depleted in our soils and you need it for good sleep and brain function
Vitamin D always helps you’re probably deficient - easy depression fix here too
Red Light / SAD Light - the usual Winter depressions I would have have completely disappeared since using these religiously each day
Vitamin E can help reduce the damage of seed oils and unsaturated fats accumulated in your body
Asparin + Minocyclidine + Coffee I’ve found to be an excellent stack for focus and mental clarity during peak work periods
2 Godly, Taoist Immortality Tier Supplements left undiscovered due to big pharma psyops of the 20th century:
Progesterone. Read this Peat article for more, but take a few drops orally daily to restore the healing powers of your body. If you’re chronically stressed by crypto - you will likely feel a massive mental difference when you take a dose of it. It’s extracted from wild yams, a Traditional Chinese Medicine ingredient found in most herbal mixes - and for good reason, it works
Progesterone helps the body heal, reduces stress, reduces the influence of estrogen on your body, and can even restore morning wood in impotent men
Test the dosage out on yourself, but a few drops daily can have a hugely positive effect on body and min
Pregnenolone. The mother hormone that helps everything else. Take it daily, there are little to no side effects, and it helps everything, from skin quality to brain function to core body temperature. Higher core body temperature = lower chance of Alzheimer’s and brain degenerative disorders - need I say more?
Above: Ray Peat goes from doomer wojak to GM sunrise wojak in 10 weeks with pregnenolone. Pics from Generative Energy by Ray Peat.
Both should be taken orally, and not as capsules. Preferably in oil-based suspensions.
The Crux of This - Ray Peat 101
If you’re a Peater you’ll recognize lot of what’s in this article.
But in summary, Peat was an alternative health dude with several controversial takes, such as:
Unsaturated fats and fish oils lead to inflammation over time
Sugar is not the cause of diabetes, rather, damage to the body’s metabolic processes is - also, sugar is therapeutic and needed for cell function
Dairy is great for the body, and easily digestible once adjusted to
But underlying all of his theories was the core fundamental that the body has the propensity to heal and repair itself, if kept in a youthful state, and if ageing is fought of with various mechanisms.
You don’t have to read all of his stuff, it’s pretty complex. But I’ve put together a basic list of what you can do to incorporate his theories, and done right - you should feel a fundamental difference in your body in a few weeks after following them.
Easiest Peat fixes are:
Remove inflammatory oils (seed oils, fish oils) and replace with ruminant fats and copious dairy
Daily carrot salad on an empty stomach to restore thyroid function - recipe here
Daily tropical oil consumption - coconut oil in your coffee/tea is an easy way to accomplish this while checking the charts
Daily asparin for increased blood flow to brain - 200-300mg is my personal dosage, some go higher
High quality orange juice/fruit sugars to replace starch consumption - dates are also a good alternative
Remove inflammatory fibres from the gut from whole grains, and replace it with stuff like raw carrots and white button mushrooms - this reduces endotoxins in the body, while healing your gut biome
Broscience explanation: if your gut is inflamed, so is your brain and you expect to be able to trade and speculate well with a broken brain? NGMI.
Consume gelatinous cuts of meat and broth, such as shanks, tendons, bones, bone marrow, etc
Consume liver/shellfish on a weekly basis - helps with mineral levels in the body
The tools of modernity can and should be used to “biohack” and repair the damage crypto can cause to our bodies and minds
You don’t have to do this in the weird transhumanist way of green gloop and 20 different supplements.
Your life/routine should be reducing chronic stress, and reducing stressors that trigger ageing
Your diet should be maintaining your metabolic health, and keeping your core body temperature high
Your work should not be triggering cortisol release endlessly - rather, stimulating and enriching to the mind.
You have literal billionaires trying everything to hack aging, when Ray Peat was speaking with the energy and brain of a 45 year old a year before he passed away - to a brainlet like me, the choice is clear.
I’d take dying at 85 with no brain degeneration over being 100 in a wheelchair as a dying husk of a hominid any day of the week.
Conclusions & Wrapping Up:
I use nearly everything I’ve described in this article on myself, and I assure you - the psychological damage I once felt from being in crypto while running a business through this recession and juggling full-time university degrees altogether feels like a lifetime ago.
Heck, it probably was a lifetime ago considering how fast time passes in this space.
If you are depressed, scarred from the bear market, and feel like the doomer wojak - you need only shift a few things in your life, to restore its wholeness in your existence. A few drops of progesterone, a big glass of good quality OJ, some asparin and pregnenolone may remind you of what a normally functioning mind feels like.
And if you want to make it in the next market cycle - you’ll definitely need your brain to be on best form to do so, and have your body and mind in the capacity to go full speed when the markets demand it.
I hope you enjoyed the article as much as I did writing it!
A personal note:
I have been extremely busy IRL hence the radio silence from this substack in general.
However, it blows me away to see my thoughts/articles referenced to months after they’ve been published, and to see the ripples they make in our ponzi asset class.
I will be returning this Spring/Summer with many more writings, none of them shilling $mybags (if so, with class), and look forward to publishing them for the 3 degens reading them in the basement.
Oh, I didn’t expect to encounter the ketogenic diet in the crypto field
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